Stock Information Stock Fundamentals EPS (SGD) a 0.02415 PE a 9.524 NAV (SGD) b 0.1813 Price / NAV b 1.2686 Dividend (SGD) d 0.008600 Dividend Yield (%) d 3.739 Market Cap (M) 61.160 Issued & Paid-up Shares c 265,910,891 Notes Based on latest Full Year results announcement, adjusted for the current number of shares. Based on latest results announcement (Full Year, Half Year or Interim), adjusted for the current number of shares. Rounded to the nearest thousand. Updated on 13/11/2024 Dividend is based on latest Full Year results announcement, adjusted for current number of shares and excludes special dividend. IPO Information Listing Date Apr 19, 2021 Subscription Rate 86.94 IPO Price 0.280 Current vs IPO Price (%) -17.86 First Day Close 0.290 First Day Gain (%) 3.6 First Week Close 0.405 First Week Gain (%) 44.6